Ferrand-Prevot second in Short Track

  • 25 May 24
  • race Report

Pauline Ferrand-Prévot kicked off a big weekend of mountain biking action with second in the Short Track at Nove Mesto.

On a fast course, the Frenchwoman would start from 16th and quickly move up the field. An attack from Alessandra Keller on the penultimate lap would string the lead group out for the finale.

A late surge by Ferrand-Prevot was successful in dropping all of her rivals, but was not quite able to overhaul the advantage Keller had built up, crossing the line in second, just one second off the win.

Tom Pidcock would follow up with his own strong performance on the same course. Working his way forwards throughout the race, Tom would launch a huge attack at the start of the final lap, finishing in seventh.

Both performances result in crucial front row starts for the main event tomorrow.

CZ Flag

Nové Mesto

  • 1
    Alessandra Keller
  • 2
    Pauline Ferrand-Prevot
    + 01
  • 3
    Haley Batten
    + 01
CZ Flag

Nové Mesto

  • 1
    Victor Koretzky
  • 2
    Christopher Blevins
    + 00
  • 3
    Thomas Litscher
    + 00