Ferrand-Prevot second in Short Track

  • 30 Aug 24
  • race Report

Pauline Ferrand-Prévot battled to second in an epic World Championships Short Track in Andorra.

The eight lap race was taken at a rapid pace, with Pauline moving straight into the lead. The Frenchwoman would quickly form a duo with Rissveds (Sweden), before Evie Richards (Great Britain) joined to make it a trio. 

The pace would prove too much for the Swede, and it quickly became clear that Richards and PFP would fight for the win. On the final lap, and Pauline would attack on the short, steep climb and briefly had a gap. However, Richards clawed her way back on, and they would round the final corner together. 

Both riders launched at the same time, but it was the Brit who had the legs to win the sprint, with Ferrand-Prevot in second.

In the men’s race, Tom Pidcock would have a solid start before being involved in a crash. The Brit would fight back valiantly to cross the line eighth, ensuring a front row start for the XCO on Sunday.

AD Flag

XCC World Championships

  • 1
    Evie Richards
  • 2
    Pauline Ferrand-Prevot
    + 01
  • 3
    Jenny Rissveds
    + 18
AD Flag

XCC World Championships

  • 1
    Victor Koretzky
  • 2
    Charlie Aldridge
    + 03
  • 3
    Alan Hatherly
    + 03